Seabuckthorn White Chocolate Mousse

Recipe courtesy of Chef Jenni

1 cup   nvigorate Seabuckthorn berries, thawed.
1/2 cup   granulated sugar
1/4 cup   water
1/4 cup   boiling water
1 package   unflavoured gelatine
1 cup   white chocolate chips
2 cups   whipping cream


In a saucepan, boil berries with sugar and water. Use a fine mesh colander to press all the berry pulp into a medium sized bowl. Scrape the bottom of the colander to express all the berries you can. Pour the gelatine over the hot berry mixture and let stand for about a minute. Add boiling water and whisk until completely dissolved.

Set aside and whip cream until peaks form. Add melted chocolate chips to the cream, a few tablespoons at a time until combined.
When the Seabuckthorn mixture is cool, gently fold in the cream. Chill for about an hour.

You could save the pulp from the above recipe to use in smoothies or in muffins!

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