Our Products
Great Recipes and Great Health Begin with Pure, Natural and Only the Best Kind of Ingredients
• Organic Frozen Seabuckthorn Berries
• Organic Frozen Purée
• Organic Seabuckthorn Smoothie Pops
• Organic Freeze-Dried Seabuckthorn Purée
100% Canadian Grown
100% Organic
Frozen to Retain Flavour and Nutrients
Rich in Vitamin C
We offer our pure fruit in several forms so that you can use it any way you like.
Learn about the nutrition of the berries

- 'Ostentatious Orange’ Seabuckthorn Gelato
- 'Ostentatious Orange’ Seabuckthorn Gelato on a Stick
- 'Ostentatious Orange’ Seabuckthorn Sorbet
- Belgian Chocolate Hearts with a Seabuckthorn Creme Filling
Because all of our desserts and confectionery use the pulp of seabuckthorn, you are getting antioxidants and omega 7 into your diet in a delicious way.

• Fruit Leather

- Organic Seabuckthorn Tea Leaves
- Organic Seabuckthorn Splash
- Organic Seabuckthorn Iced Tea
Learn about the nutrition of the leaves
Nutrition of the Berries
- A tiny berry has more than ten times the Vitamin C of an orange.
- Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant.
- It has been linked to many impressive health benefits including lowering blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart disease, protecting against gout attacks, improving iron absorption, boosting immunity, and reducing dementia risk.
- The berry pulp contains high levels of omega 7, which in Finland, was clinically proven to help mucous linings of the body.
- It has long been used to prevent stomach ulcers in horses.
- Think of all the mucous linings you have in your body...your entire digestive system, your respiratory system and more are protected by omega 7.
- The omega 7 is why seabuckthorn has been shown to help with dry eyes.
- Omega 7 may also be beneficial in diabetes as it increases our sensitivity to insulin.
- Think of omega 7 as a lubricant that can ease indigestion and acid reflux.
- The potent antioxidants of seabuckthorn along with omega 7 protect the liver from damage.
- More recent studies have shown it may fight weight gain. Check out the video that is a taped episode of Dr. Oz that shows the clinical research done on seabuckthorn and weight management. This episode also talks of better bowel movements because of the omega 7. Watch Video
- Twenty eight trace elements including magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc are present in the berry.
- Seabuckthorn is high in proteins, especially globulins and albumins.
- The berries contain b-sitosterol.
- Beta steroids are similar in structure to cholesterol. Increasing them in our diet can reduce our LDL (unfavorable) cholesterol levels.
- It can also help reduce inflammation.
- The seeds have the great ratio of 1:1 ratio of omegas 3 and 6 which is almost unheard of in nature and contain Vitamin E. This is why you find the seed oil in skin care products. It is very healing.
- 1/3 of a cup serving of berries only has 2 g of naturally occurring sugars and 3.5 g of fibre which is 14% of the recommended daily intake.
- Seabuckthorn contains serotonin.
- Serotonin helps with mood regulation and memory.
- Serotonin is required for healthy digestion.
- It also helps with sleep, sexual function, bone health, and blood clotting.
- B2, found in the berries, also known as Riboflavin, is needed to help us absorb iron from plants.
Nutrition of the Leaves
- The leaves are very high in antioxidants.
- In studies in India, the leaves have been shown to reduce environmental stress levels and recovery rate for soldiers working at high altitudes and low temperatures.
- Research on antioxidant levels of Canadian grown seabuckthorn leaves have shown higher levels than oregano by a third, four and a half times that of hibiscus and eighteen times the level of green tea!
- The leaves have been shown to be anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.
- The leaves are an excellent source of complete protein (18%), serotonin, plant sterols, fibre and vitamin E.
Note: Don't be confused. They all are seabuckthorn! Sometimes, it is written as sea buckthorn, sea-buckthorn, seabuchthorn, sea-buchthorn or sea buchthorn, sometimes as seaberry or sea berry, sometimes as sandhorn, sanddorn or sandthorn, sometimes sallowthorn or badriphal and more...but never buckthorn. Buckthorn is an invasive species that comes from a different family. Seabuckthorn is related to buffaloberries that grow along riverbanks but have red berries and are extremely thorny...not unlike a porcupine!
Practice what you preach!